Unleashing Creativity with Infrared Photography

Infrared photography is a technique that uses infrared light to capture images. These images become striking to the human eye because it captures light that we cannot see with the naked eye. Normal camera’s capture light as we see it, where as infrared camera’s or filters are able to capture a larger spectrum of colours. The most common edit you’ll see for infrared images are the beautiful deep cyan skies with white foliage which to us is normally green.

Unleashing Creativity with Infrared Photography

Infrared photography really enables you to delve into the depths of creating with abstract colourings. It can help you create some beautiful and yet eery looking photographs. To achieve this kind of photograph you can play with lightroom or any editor to achieve something simular but authentic pictures require a special camera, (Ours is a converted DSLR) or filters to create this.

Unleashing Creativity with Infrared Photography

Surprise View by Pink Dreams Productions.

Unleashing Creativity with Infrared Photography

Surprise view by Pink Dreams Productions

Infrared photography can be used not only for creative purposes but also for scientific purposes and has been used this way since the early 20th century.

Unleashing Creativity with Infrared Photography

Winnats Pass by Pink Dreams Productions.

Unleashing Creativity with Infrared Photography

Cresswell Crags by Pink Dreams Productions

These photographs were taken with a Canon 400D IR conversion.

Please do not take any photographs from this site without asking permission from the creators first.


Exploring Tupholme Abbey, Bardney, UK